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第三屆視覺科學與藝術論壇 (2019/11/21)-淡水漁人碼頭福容大飯店
1. Air Flow Analysis and Simulation Applied in Clean Room Design
講者: 蔡宗憲博士(盟立自動化股份有限公司)
2. A PIV System For Three-component Velocity Field Over A Finite Aspect Ratio Wing
講者: 尤懷德教授(國防大學理工學院機械與航太工程學系)
3. Investigation on flow characteristics of double concentric jets pulsed at annular flow using optical measurement techniques
Speaker: Sudharson Murugan(台灣科技大學機械系).
4. Tracking performance of particle tracking velocimetry with synthetic streak images
Speaker: Mumtaz Hussain Qureshi (台灣科技大學機械系)
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